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Tuca & Berties wild animation makes its story that much stronger

In a television environment that includes shows like Bob’s Burgers, Rick and Morty, and Bojack Horseman, it’s impossible to argue that cartoons are just for children. The medium of animation has always been about using art to further creativity in storytelling, and it’s increasingly clear that the freedom and whimsy of animated shows are valuable tools that, in the right hands, enhance the message of their creators. 

Tuca & Bertie on Netflix is one of those shows that uses the wackiness of its premise and animation to effectively portray the instability of its characters’ lives. Tuca is an irresponsible toucan whose overconfidence and codependence are only just starting to affect her carefree lifestyle. Bertie is an uptight, loving songbird whose anxiety issues make it difficult for her to achieve her goals. They live in Bird Town, a city populated by bird-people, plant people, and other animal-people, and are trying to figure out their lives in a place where cartoonish happenstances are commonplace.

The first few episodes are capital-W Weird, and feature scenarios like a topless houseplant hoarding turtles and a sentient cake baked with human remains. In other shows the wacky tone might settle after a few episodes, but Tuca & Bertie piles on the absurdity even more as the show goes on, as musical numbers break out of nowhere and story asides are told through live-action puppet sequences.

What does change over the course of its ten episode season is the depth to which the characters are explored. Bertie’s anxious quirks first appear to be surface traits but eventually manifest as debilitating panic attacks and Tuca’s YOLO attitude is revealed to come from understandable childhood insecurity. They might be 30-year-old birds in a cartoon world, but they’re also wonderfully written, three-dimensional women whose friendship and issues are complicated and heartbreakingly realistic. 

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As the characters grow in depth and the world of Bird Town remains bizarre, the juxtaposition between the story and its format fades. Adulthood is a weird, ever-changing state and so Tuca & Bertie leans in to that weirdness to expose the harsh truths that lie underneath every life’s wacky veneer. Watching Tuca and Bertie navigate through transitional moments in their lives as cartoon chaos explodes around them feels more real in a lot of ways than any live-action, glossy interpretation of their characters would be. It’s an impressive feat of writing in any format, but Tuca & Bertie is clever enough to use its medium to make a great point, and an even greater show.

Tuca & Bertie is available now on Netflix.

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