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How the x became a sign of female solidarity in the age of harassment

One letter of the alphabet has more currency than all the others combined. That letter is “x”. 

Unlike in mathematics, the value of “x” is known in the era of internet messaging. That “x” is most often used to convey a kiss when affixed to the end of a text, DM, or email. 

And in an era when women are met with hostility and vitriol on the internet, this tiny, inconsequential letter can be used to communicate solidarity and support during particularly dark times.

There was a time when I thought the addition of an “x” from strangers and professional acquaintances slightly disingenuous. Those days are gone, though. After a bout of deeply vicious online harassment, I realised kindness on the internet was something that’s in all too short a supply. This profoundly isolating experience made me completely change my mind about how I felt about receiving “digital kisses” from strangers online. 

Last September, I endured a two-day stint of particularly aggressive harassment on Twitter after I wrote an article arguing that women and LGBTQ people shouldn’t be the punchlines of political jokes. Seems like a pretty reasonable point to make, right? Well, apparently not. I ended up on the receiving end of insults from a group of free-speech defenders who decided I needed to be put in my place. As well as hurling a lot of nasty abuse at me, these trolls went through my recent tweets and personal essays I’d written about my love life. They mocked the fact that a recent Hinge match had stood me up for date, and they told me I should change careers and find something I’m actually good at. According to one troll, it’s “unsurprising” that I got stood up because my dates must look me up and “realise what a childish nightmare” I’d be to date. Um, OK?

For two days straight, I lived in a state of heart-racing anxiety, constantly checking my phone to try to stem the torrent of abuse. Incidentally, this bout of trolling kicked off on my best friend’s 30th birthday, which basically meant I ended up sitting in the corner of a sticky dance floor in a Clapham nightclub at midnight, trawling through my mentions to make sure everything was under control. Even though I was in a crowded room full of people, I have never felt more alone in my whole life. When friends realised what was going on, they swooped into my DMs to express their support and solidarity. They sent heart emoji and “digital kisses”. It doesn’t sound like much, but when you’ve been up against a barrage of vitriol, it was profoundly touching.

Since that incident, I’ve paid closer attention to women’s tweets about harassment and abuse. In the mentions, you’ll always find the same thing: scores of other women responding with messages of love and support — usually signed off with a kiss or a heart emoji. 

“It’s definitely like a digital hug in solidarity.”

Dr Mariann Hardey — professor in marketing at Durham University Durham University Business School’., whose research focuses on how women share their stories of chronic pain on Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit — says the “x” has become “a way of showing advocacy and support from an anonymous internet stranger” — particularly among women. 

“The advocacy of the kiss is a really interesting new cultural form,” Hardey tells me. “It’s that extension of kindness in reaching out and the expectation of nothing in return.” She’s noticed that the bicep emoji is also a popular “show of strength” when people are sharing stories that are personal, sensitive, and traumatic. 

Hardey says that an “x” can also be used in isolation without any further words to communicate support. “Just an “x” as a reply as a response is acceptable, you don’t have to have an extra narrative explaining what you meant,” she adds. “In those contexts I’ve never read it as something that’s overtly sexual or flirtatious — it’s definitely like a digital hug in solidarity.”

Last week was one marked by extreme misogynistic vitriol aimed at UK Labour MP Jess Phillips. UKIP candidate Carl Benjamin “joked” in a YouTube video that he might rape Phillips. “There’s been an awful lot of talk about whether I would or wouldn’t rape Jess Phillips,” Benjamin said on his YouTube channel Sargon of Akkad on April 26. “I’ve been in a lot of trouble for my hardline stance of not even raping her. I suppose with enough pressure I might cave. But let’s be honest, nobody’s got that much beer.” 

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