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People Are Spilling The Juicy, Sneaky, And Surprising Industry Secrets You Need To Know

5. “I work in a call center for a large cellular company and have a dirty, little secret that consists of just two words. Ready? Be nice. That’s all it takes. There’s no need to threaten anyone, be aggressive, or take your anger out on us. We’re real people just like you, not just a…

People Are Spilling The Juicy, Sneaky, And Surprising Industry Secrets You Need To Know


“I work in a call center for a large cellular company and have a dirty, little secret that consists of just two words. Ready? Be nice. That’s all it takes. There’s no need to threaten anyone, be aggressive, or take your anger out on us. We’re real people just like you, not just a voice on the other end of the line. When you’re rude, belligerent, or threatening toward us, that makes us want to do less for you. And, we will. We’ll do as little as possible and maybe make you jump through extra hoops for being a pain. But, if you’re nice and patient, and treat us like human beings, we’ll bend over backwards to do what we can for you. We didn’t cause the situation you’re in. While it’s reasonable to be upset about something, taking it out on someone else is completely unreasonable. Talk to us. Tell us what’s going on. Give us a chance to help, and we will.”



“Most people don’t realize how badly they are getting screwed by their insurance company when they make a claim. I worked in a body shop for 19 years, and I can’t believe the ‘repairs’ they wanted us to do, or the low-ball payouts offered to their insureds if they decided to cash out. Aftermarket (made in Taiwan) parts, not following OEM guidelines, ‘network’ or ‘preferred’ shops working for reduced rates, and legalized steering are just the beginning. Just because a car looks good after a repair doesn’t mean it’s safe.”

“All the big insurance companies are publicly traded and don’t care about you. All they care about is reporting profits to their shareholders. That means minimizing payouts. They’re not on your side, you’re not in good hands, and they’re like the worst neighbor ever who won’t go away. Shop for good insurance, not just cheap premiums.”



“I work in a hardware store-type place, and we sell different brand versions of different things. Most of the time, there will be an alternative to whatever product you need, and if the one you want is sold out, we’re more than happy to look for a fairly-priced alternative with you. My job is to sell you the right thing, not the most expensive thing. The secret? If you’re a nice customer who treats us respectfully and kindly, and the item you want is more expensive, we will knock off the difference. In theory, we can do that for absolutely any customer if there’s a price difference. However, if you’re an a-hole, you get in my personal space, or (and this is so petty) you get snarky about the fact that I sing along with the radio, I’ll just apologize and say there’s a price difference and you have to pay it.”

“And, when I say a-hole, I mean the kind of people who are listed in BuzzFeed articles about nightmare customers. If you’re just a little frustrated that the specific product you want isn’t available, that’s fine. If you blame me and act like I kicked you in the genitals because of it, that’s when you’re an a-hole.”


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“I’ve worked in two commercial rest homes: memory care and assisted living. They cut every corner known to man. The kitchens are pretty much guaranteed to be eligible for immediate jeopardy, meaning that if they fail a random inspection, they will be shut down that same day. The monthly food budget was less than what salary workers got paid. Food would appear rotten right off the trucks, and we were still instructed to pick out the ‘bad stuff’ and feed the rest to the residents. The rent is so predatory to families and residents. It was over $2,500–$3,000 for a single-person room every month WITHOUT utilities. The residents pay $50 a meal for it to come cold and mushy in a styrofoam box.”

“On top of that, their money is all monitored and controlled by staff at the home, and they are only allowed to spend $150–$200 dollars of their own money in a month. The homes are so understaffed that dementia or assisted care residents would sit at their dining table well past an hour after mealtimes. They would suffer bowel impactions that never got treated, leading to death for some of them. 

The older men will, no doubt, sexually harass or assault you if your hair goes down to your shoulders, no matter your gender, and nobody does a damn thing about it. I’ve been hit, kicked, screamed at, and groped more times than I can count. HR says to suck it up every time it is reported. Nurses and caregivers would routinely steal pain meds and fudge the numbers on official charts. They would also leave residents sitting in their own filth for hours. We had a runaway dementia resident recently who was unaccounted for for about four hours. A community-run search party found her body in the woods the next day. After that, the home shipped out all of their residents to surrounding homes without giving locations or contact info to any of the families. Basically, it’s terrible. 

If a loved one needs around-the-clock care, find a small, residential rest home that fits their needs. Never go commercial or chain because you will regret it. You will be sucked dry financially with nothing to show for it but a very unhappy or unhealthy loved one.”


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